Seller: Diane Albrecht
State: Pennsylvania
City: Mountain Top
Zip code: 18707
Type: Animals

Lost 2 year old male Whippet Mix (looks like a small, brown, medium haired greyhound/collie mix with a long, whispy tail) by the name of Duncan. Very timid and shy. Wearing a blue no-slip collar with a dog bone-shaped blue tag with his name and owner's cell phone number. Also dragging a blue leash. Lost in Fairview Heights section of Mountain Top (near Fairview Elem. School) at 11:00 a.m. on Easter Sunday. Was sited in Greystone early Easter afternoon and possibly at the top of the mountain by the Broadway later in the night. Will probably run if approached. DO NOT CHASE him; sit down and he may come to be petted. CALL IMMEDIATELY. REWARD OFFERED IF INFORMATION LEADS TO DISCOVERY. Thank you.